Calculation programm

The calculation and design software "VENTILY LDM"

The calculation and design software is used to determine the flow coefficient of the valve (Kvs, Cvs), to check operating conditions of the designed valve, to make the design of optimal DN and suitable valve from LDM production range.

Basic functionality and beneficts:
  • Kv/Cv calculation for water, steam, gases and other liquids including conditions with its state change (cavitation, flashing)
  • Design of suitable valve with respect of the calculation, specification of complete ordering number
  • Noise calculation for given operating conditions
  • Actuator specification of complete ordering number including its accessories
  • Dimmensional drawings of designed valves
  • Links to the valves and the actuators catalogues sheets
  • The function of flow control through the controlled circuit
  • Calculation of pressure drop of pipeline section
  • Complete steam tables and wide database of thermodynamic properties of other liquids and gases
  • Unit conversions
  • Direct switching among languages
  • All settings directly in the menu (default units – liquids, vapors, gases / language, including language for printing)
  • Calculation and design acc. to EN or ANSI standards
  • Work with the project – different ways to add items into the project, folders creating / copying of the project items including complete folders / attachments (external files, txt files) / txt files can be edited directly in the software invironment
  • Export of printed reports in .rtf format in one summary report
  • Online web updates ensures availability of immediate the sofware updates (automatic check of available updates / manual update option)
Instructions for installation:
If you have older version of the software VENTILY LDM (the version 1.1.31 or older) installed already it is necessary to uninstall it before the new version installation. Subsequent updates will be installed automatically.
Here you can download the installation set of the program in archive file
The installation will start after running the file setup.exe.
When installing the software LDM Valves it can be required to install the .Net Framework. Confirm this option.


Calculating software "LDM VALVES" for android

The company LDM has made the new calculating software for its customers and colleagues containing basic calculations of Kv/Cv values of water, wet steam, saturated and superheated steam, thermodynamic properties of water and steam in one phase, thermodynamic properties of water at saturation limit, converting output to flow rate, calculation of differenfial pressure pipeline and units conversion.
The purpose of the software is a posibility of immediate calculation at site when PC is not available. The software doesn´t allow a valve design.
The software is available in Czech, English, German, Russian, Polish and Bulgarian language for free download on     
Privacy Policy

Pricelist and documents

  The price list of LDM valves 2025 in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  ISO Certificate (CZ) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  ISO Certificate (ENG) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  ISO Certificate (RUS) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Overview of production range for heating in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Overview of production range for power generation in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Reference list "LDM - Supplier for nuclear power generation" in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Reference list - homeland, in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Reference list - abroad, in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

  Presentation of LDM company, in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

Catalog sheets

Control valves

102 and 103

01-02.0 Control valves 100 line CZ, GB

111 Comar line

01-02.4 Control valves 111 COMAR line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL


01-02.7 Control valves 113 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

122 BEE line

01-02.5 Control valves 122 BEE line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

200 line

01-02.1 Control and Shut-off valves 200 line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-02.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 200 line CZ, GB, RUS
01-02.8 Valves 200 line with actuators LDM ANT40 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-03.1 LDM valves with Siemens actuators CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-05.1 LDM valves with Johnson Controls actuators CZ, GB, DE, PL
01-06.1 LDM valves with Honeywell actuators CZ, GB, DE, PL
01-07.1 LDM valves with Belimo actuators CZ, GB, DE, PL
01-10.1 Control and Shut-off valves 200 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB
01-10.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 200 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB

300 line

02-09.1 Control and Shut-off valves 300 line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-09.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 300 line CZ, GB
02-09.3 Control and Shut-off valves 300 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB
02-09.4 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 300 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB

700 line

02-01.2 Control valves and steam conditioning station 700 line CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-01.3 Control valves and steam conditioning station 700 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB

800 line

02-04.2 Control valves 800 line CZ, GB, RUS, PL

900 line

02-02.1 Control valves and steam conditioning station 900 line CZ, GB, RUS

Series G

02-05.1 Control valves G 45 CZ, GB, RUS
02-05.2 Control valves G 46 CZ, GB, RUS
02-05.3 Control valves G 47 CZ, GB, RUS
02-05.4 Control valve start-up G 92 CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-05.5 Control valve start-up G 93 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

Shut-off valves

200 line

01-02.1 Control and Shut-off valves 200 line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-02.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 200 line CZ, GB, RUS
01-10.1 Control and Shut-off valves 200 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB
01-10.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 200 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB

300 line

02-09.1 Control and Shut-off valves 300 line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-09.2 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 300 line CZ
02-09.3 Control and Shut-off valves 300 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB
02-09.4 Control and Shut-off valves in seismically resistant execution 300 line acc. to ANSI/ASME CZ, GB

500 line

02-08.2 Shut-off valves UV 526 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

900 line

02-08.3 Shut-off valves and check valves UV/ZV 926 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

UV 200

01-02.3 Shut-off valves LDM with hand wheel UV 200 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

UV x16

01-02.6 Shut-off valves UV 116 and UV 216 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

Pressure and temperature regulators

102 and 103

01-01.1 Self-acting regulators of outlet pressure 102 and 103 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

12x BEE line

01-01.2 Self-acting regulators of outlet pressure BEE line CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-01.4 Self-acting regulators of temperature 122 BEE line CZ, GB, RUS

200 line

01-01.3 Self-acting regulators of outlet pressure 200 line CZ, GB, RUS, PL

Safety valves

Safety valves

02-07.1 Full-lift safety valve with additional loading SiZ 1508 CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-07.2 Control unit RP 5330 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-07.3 Full-lift safety valve with additional loading, type PV 1509 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-07.7 Full-lift safety valve with opened bonnet PV 61 CZ, GB, RUS
02-07.8 Full-lift safety valve with closed bonnet PV 63 CZ, GB
02-07.9 Proporcionl safety valve with opened bonnet PV 25 CZ, GB, RUS

Other valves and accessories


01-09.5 Strainers - flanged FP 110, 210, 220, 230 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

Steam desuperheating

02-03.2 Injection head VH CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-03.3 Steam injection head VHP CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-03.4 Steam cooler CHP CZ, GB, RUS, PL
02-03.6 Steam cooler CHPE CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-03.7 Steam cooler CHPF CZ, GB
02-03.8 Injection head VHF CZ, GB
02-03.9 Steam cooler CHPR CZ, GB
02-12.0 Steam desuperheating overview CZ, GB


02-07.5 Three-way control cock RK 601 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

Thermoinsulated wrapping

01-09.6 Laminated termoinsulated wrapping IKA 150 and IKA 220 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL

Check valves

01-09.7 Check valves ZV 2x6 and ZV 2x7 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
01-09.8 Check valves ZV 116 and ZV 216 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
02-08.3 Shut-off valves and check valves UV/ZV 926 CZ, GB, RUS

Instruction for installation und service

Control valves

102 and 103

PM 009 Control valves RV 102 and RV 103 CZ, GB, RUS

111 Comar line

PM 059 Control valves COMAR line RV 111/T CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 061 Control valves COMAR line RV 111/W CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 062 Control valves COMAR line RV 111/F CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL


PM 085 Control valves RV 113 M, S CZ, GB, RUS, PL
PM 086 Control valves RV 113 R, L CZ, GB, RUS, PL

122 BEE line

PM 065 Control valves RV 122 R, P CZ, RUS

200 line

PM 081 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV/HU 2xx CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 082 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 2xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 226 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx CZ, GB, RUS
PM 227 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 228 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx SP CZ

300 line

PM 097 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 098 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 099 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx SP CZ, GB, RUS
PM 202 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 3xx CZ, GB, RUS
PM 207 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 3xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 224 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 3xx SP CZ, GB

700 line

PM 077 Control valves RV 701 and RV 702 CZ, GB, RUS, PL
PM 084 Steam conditioning station RS 702 CZ, GB, RUS
PM 229 Control valves RV 701 and RV 702 Ex CZ
PM 230 Steam conditioning station RS 702 Ex CZ
PM 232 Control valves CV 701 and CV 702 CZ, GB
PM 233 Steam conditioning station CS 702 CZ
PM 234 Control valves CV 701 and CV 702 Ex CZ
PM 235 Steam conditioning station CS 702 Ex CZ

800 line

PM 072 Control valves RV 805 and RV 806 CZ, GB, RUS

900 line

PM 215 Control valves RV 902 CZ, GB, PL
PM 216 Steam conditioning station RS 902 CZ, GB, RUS

Series G

PM 038 Control valves G41 to G47 CZ, GB, DE, RUS
PM 096 Control valves G92 and G93 CZ, DE, RUS

Shut-off valves

200 line

PM 081 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV/HU 2xx CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 082 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 2xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 226 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx CZ, GB, RUS
PM 227 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 228 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx SP CZ

300 line

PM 097 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 098 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 099 Control and Shut-off valves RV/UV 3xx SP CZ, GB
PM 202 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 3xx CZ, GB, RUS
PM 207 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 3xx Ex CZ, GB, RUS
PM 224 Control and Shut-off valves CV/SV 2xx SP CZ, GB

500 line

PM 211 Shut-off valves UV 526 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

900 line

PM 225 Shut-off valves UV 926 and check valves ZV 926 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

UV 200

PM 060 Shut-off valves UV 2x6 and UV 2x7 CZ, GB, RUS
PM 209 Shut-off valves UV 2x6 and UV 2x7 Ex CZ, GB, RUS

UV x16

PM 078 Shut-off valves UV 116 and UV 216 CZ, GB, RUS

Pressure and temperature regulators

102 and 103

PM 039 Regulators of outlet pressure RD 102 V and RD 103 V CZ, GB, RUS
PM 040 Regulators of differencial pressure RD 102 D and RD 103 D CZ, GB, RUS

12x BEE line

PM 063 Regulators of differencial pressure RD 122 P CZ, RUS
PM 064 Regulators of differencial pressure RD 122 D CZ, RUS
PM 093 Regulators of outlet pressure RD 122 V CZ, GB, PL
PM 238 Regulators of temperature RT 122 R and RT 122 P CZ, PL
PM 245 Self-acting pressure regulators RD 123 R and RD 123 S CZ

200 line

PM 231 Self-acting regulators of outlet pressure 200 line CZ, RUS

Safety valves

Safety valves

PM 071 Controll unit RP 5330 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 076 Safety valves SiZ 1508 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 087 Safety valves PV 1509 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 212 Safety valves PV 25, PV 61 a PV 63 CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 240 Controll unit RP 5330/1 0/6 CZ

Other valves and accessories


PM 079 Strainers - flanged FP 110, 210, 220, 230 CZ, GB, DE, RUS

Steam desuperheating

PM 048 Injection head VH CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 057 Injection head VHP CZ, GB, RUS, PL
PM 058 Steam cooler CHP CZ, GB, RUS
PM 092 Steam cooler CHPE CZ, GB, DE, RUS, PL
PM 218 Injection head VHF CZ, GB, RUS
PM 220 Steam cooler CHPF CZ, GB
PM 223 Steam cooler CHPR CZ, GB


PM 088 Control cocks RK 601 CZ, RUS

Thermoinsulated wrapping

PM 080 Thermoinsulated wrapping IKA 150 and IKA 220 CZ, GB, RUS

Check valves

PM 090 Check valves ZV 2x6 and ZV 2x7 CZ, GB, RUS
PM 091 Check valves ZV 116 and ZV 216 CZ, GB
PM 225 Shut-off valves UV 926 and check valves ZV 926 CZ, GB, RUS, PL

CAD Documentation

DWG and STEP 3D models of individual valve types are available to download under "PRODUCTS" web page section